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About Me

Ridley Adams is an Afro-Brazilian fantasy writer. For their day job, Ridley is a conservation biologist and PhD student; as their father is of Angolan descent and they have a personal connection to the continent, they specialize in African conservation issues. They’ve prevented cheetahs from eating livestock in Namibia, tested out different ways to keep elephants out of croplands in Kenya, ridden donkey carts to work in the Northern Cape of South Africa, designed a picture-only video game to teach non-literate Mozambican villagers about the ecosystem importance of vultures, climbed mountains, been stung by scorpions, and chased many a mamba and puff adder out of their office. When Ridley’s not wildlife-conserving, inventing, or writing, they’re still involved with their old pirate reenactment crew and do swash buckles on occasion (including in space!).

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